Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do you think it's better to get another car note or new engine & transmission for 1997 Buick Lesabre?

My Buick has over 201,000 miles on it. I want another vehicle but, I feel it would be irresponsible to get another car note with my current budget. So, I think if I just get another engine and transmission and a little rewiring, my car could run almost as good as new. Around how much do you think that'll cost? And, what do you think?Do you think it's better to get another car note or new engine %26amp; transmission for 1997 Buick Lesabre?For an engine and transmission rebuild done right you're looking at about $5,000. A lot depends on the condition of the body and interior and if it looks like any other work will be needed in the near future. If it's in good condition it's worth considering. That's more than you could sell it for but as you point out you can't buy a car with almost zero miles on it for $5,000. It is a tough decision. I'm not recommending either, just giving you the facts.Do you think it's better to get another car note or new engine %26amp; transmission for 1997 Buick Lesabre?
so you have 201,000 miles, that don,t mean nothing. if it don,t smoke, if it runs good and easy on gas then why spend all that money on another motor and transmission. as long as you keep care of it like keep the oil changed and keep it tuned up you can get a lot more miles out if it. what i think? i think you need to get a complete tune-up, change the oil and filter, change the fluid and filter in the transmission but don,t flush it and you will get a lot more miles in it. besides the mileage only means that the car has been driven that far. what,s more important is how well you take care of it.Do you think it's better to get another car note or new engine %26amp; transmission for 1997 Buick Lesabre?Is there anything wrong with your Buick right now to keep you on the road safely? If not then continue driving it, while saving the money you would be putting on another car and that way you'll have a descent amount of money on hand to either put on the car (lower APR and payments with cash down) or to buy a replacement motor and trans for your car if they break.Do you think it's better to get another car note or new engine %26amp; transmission for 1997 Buick Lesabre?
engine and trans, will equal the price of another car. take the money your going to spend on repairs and buy another car, take current car to scrap yard and get some cash out of itDo you think it's better to get another car note or new engine %26amp; transmission for 1997 Buick Lesabre?drive it tell the tires fall off start putting some money for when it quites mine 300.000 i put a lillte oil in and has some leaks but it and left me a footDo you think it's better to get another car note or new engine %26amp; transmission for 1997 Buick Lesabre?
look around for another car with half the miles

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