Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to fix the trunk release on a 99 buick park ave?

I have a 1999 buick park ave and the trunk release isnt working with either the in car button or the remotes how to i repair this???? is it hard to do?? and will it cost alot to do or have done for me???How to fix the trunk release on a 99 buick park ave?Kathy, the most common thing I find one this vehicle is, if you look in the trunk at the left side hinge you will find a wire loom strapped to it. Inside will be 4 wires. The Red wire is possibly broken up by the turn in the trunk. Repair the wire and test with remote. Hope this Helps TWHow to fix the trunk release on a 99 buick park ave?1999 Buick?

Time for the junkyard.How to fix the trunk release on a 99 buick park ave?The junkyard is for idiots, and rich people! (or a good supply of parts for smart ones),- Of course they could offer to send you money to buy the "new one"! .. If "points" is their goal it is worth 2 of them!

You need to determine several things,- listed below!

The release works by a solenoid -- if this is bad (or bad connections) it will not pull the "release" to make trunk lid release! So you need to see if the solenoid is good, - you also need to see if power is coming to solenoid from inside!

A test light can be used ot check out circuit to solenoid "plug",- if it lights when button in glovebox or remote is pushed, you know that the solenoid is not working! (12 volt test light can be bought fo 2-3$ just about anywhere car accessories are sold!) The solenoid can be checked with a ohm-metrer (if you have one %26amp; power too).. but a wire connected to 12 volts, and applied at connection that goes to wiring plug will do the trick......... A wire long enough to come from front at battery to rear at solenoid would be nice, - but you can probably get power from lisc plate or parking light circuit if nescessary (though may be a little harder to get to)! Or if mechanically inclined, it is not hard to remove the solenoid and take to front and use wires directly to battery to check.

Note here that if you hear "click" when using button inside or remote, the solenoid is probably disconnected from latch, and solenoid/wiring is ok! You can look up inside with trunklid open and working the release button, you should be able to see solenoid move, - and there is a "link" between it and trunk release.. these have been known to brake or become disconnected!
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